The Waiting Begins: I Pushed the Submit Button!

I pushed the submit button! Oh my gosh! Now it was real. With great anticipation, I waited to hear from the university regarding my application. Would they accept me? Was I too old? If I was accepted, will other students see me as a mother or grandmother? How will it be for me to find a job once I was finished? Finally, the day arrived, I was offered an interview! I was excited, but only had my husband to share the news. Privately, we celebrated. 

When the interview day arrived, I was nervous. I had taken the time to prepare the day before so I could be as calm and collected as possible. I had chosen the clothes to wear, set aside my notebook, pen, and various items that I could share if the opportunity arrived. As I approached the building, I began getting nervous. I walked slower and took the time to calmly breathe. I was able to lower my heart rate and said a prayer as I approached the building. After checking in, the adrenaline kicked in again. I slowly took in a deep breath, held it briefly, breathed out slowly, and repeated it several times. 

I have a motto: feel the fear and do it anyway! I have several sayings that I always shared with my children and former students. I do my best to live by these words as well. One of my favorite sayings is, "All you can do is the best you can do, so do your best!" I entered the office with the three women that would determine my fate. I did my best during the interview, then waited about a week for the results.
